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SmolderBone's avatar

Crowhound -adoptables for auction {CLOSED}



Hey, guys! Finally decided to bring some adoptables for you too. Not sure how many I'll be doing but I'm in a pinch money-wise so we'll see.

- I'm accepting Paypal only. The currency is in Euros. Use a currency converter to see the price in your currency. (:
- After buying, you'll receive a full-size picture of the design without the watermark.
Buying a designs gives you all the rights to use the picture and design. You're free to slightly alter the design to your liking and use the png to present your character wherever you like. However, don't claim the art as yours.
- If you win an auction but I'm not hearing from you withing a week or so, the adoptable will be passed to the next person.

This is no any particular species of mine, so you're free to decide their size, behavior etc.
Also, not necessary to call them Crowhounds, just a name I quickly thought up for them. So there is plenty of space for your own creativity with these. 8>

SB: 10€
AB: 40€

ENDS: Sunday, 16.08.2015

Hope you enjoy these! 

Image size
2000x1104px 806.54 KB
© 2015 - 2024 SmolderBone
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StarFall-Arts's avatar
I love 2 and 3 and 1 and oh hell i LOVE THEM ALL.
these beautiful babies!

i hope they all sell for you!